So here's whats new.
- German language included
- Improved tutorial texts, also in German
- Improved bluetooth dialog
- Improved bluetooth connection algorithm, improvements on Bluetooth connection for HTC Desire
- NXJUploader - for uploading leJOS-NXJ-apps to the robot (only enabled when the new leJOS NXJ robot model is selected).Comes with two included nxj-Files(AlphaRex.nxj and MINDGameZ.nxj).
- Control the Alpha Rex model from the LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT 2.0 set(#8547).
You can make the Alpha Rex walk, shake, talk to you via your phone, in your language, give you sensor readings and play music (on your phone).
NOTE: this feature only works with the leJOS NXJ firmware.
The NXJUploader also looks for files on the download directory of the SD-card on your smart device.
leJOS NXJ is a special firmware for the NXT that includes a tiny Java Virtual Machine, that allows you to use Java as programming language for the NXT. Go to to learn more about leJOS.
- MINDdroidConnector for building advanced apps that will run on the robot and for communicating with MINDdroid (or other upcoming Android apps).
- MINDGameZ – first candidate of a new game for your robots.
NOTE: requires leJOS NXJ firmware on your NXT microcontroller.
MINDGameZ is a multiplayer game that allows from 1 to 9 players to participate in the game with an adjustable number of rounds – from 1 to 9. It is currently based on the Tribot model from the NXT 1.0 set (#8527)with this motor and sensor layout (Port B=right motor, Port C=left motor, colour/light sensor at port 3).
Works with either the Colour Sensor or the Light sensor - this can be selected from the menu on your phone. It’s also possible to calibrate the sensor if the light conditions are varying.
Players gather points by driving on a race track defined by two black lines that should go around the whole track. The first player controls the robot to drive within the black lines, trying to avoid the lines!
The faster you complete a full round the higher points you gather.
If you make the robot touch – or 'see' one of the black border lines, you lose your turn to control the robot and the next player can take over.
Who can complete a full round or number of rounds without running into the lines?
NOTE: you can create your own race track for MINDGameZ by drawing lines on sheets of paper, or using black tape. Test the reaction of the Light or Color Sensor on a small strip before drawing or setting up a larger track. The difference between the background surface and the black (or dark) lines should be big enough to secure reactions from the sensor.
Pretty Cool!
Heres how to get it:
To download the MINDdroid 1.2 application to your Android device, visit the App Market from your device. Existing users of MINDdroid 1.0 or 1.1 will have automatic updates when connecting their Android devices to the App Market.
The MINDdroid Application has been developed by some dedicated AFOLs (Adult Fans of LEGO) and software specialists Günther Hölzl:
Günther Hölzl is a professor at the Höhere Technische Bundeslehranstalt (Higher Technical Learning Institute) specializing in Internet and Software engineering, Biomedical information technology and Project management, based in Klagenfurt, Austria, where he lives with his wife and two children.
We are looking forward to see how you play with the MINDdroid app, and expect to see more apps coming for the various smart devices in the future!
To learn more about how to connect wirelessly to your NXT microcontroller via Bluetooth, or to create individual names for your NXT please check the 'NXT Technology' pages in your User Guide, that comes with the LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT sets.
The source code for MINDdroid is released under the GPL v3 license and it is freely downloadable here: