

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Interfacing Android with LEGO NXT

A guy called Richard has developed and interesting way to write things using an Andriod Phone. This is what he wrote:
Following the same theme as a lot of other recent posts, I have been doing a lot of Android development for my IB Computer Science class. Naturally, I continued to tie Android with the NXT. Initially, Bluetooth was not an option for our outdated G1 development phone*, so I developed this simple solution:
Just a simple solution! For when the situation arises that Bluetooth is not an option, or Arduino board interfacing is not available.

*Fortunately, the Bluetooth API's were back-ported for use on 1.6


FIRST Promotion video

This is a nice video summarizing the idea behind FIRST. The video features actor Morgan Freeman, FIRST founder Dean Kamen and President Obama.

NXT Swarmbot

There's a project by Carnegie Mellon University Robotics Academy (known as creators of the NXT programming language RobotC): swarm robots that are communicating via the NXTBee hardware by dexter Industries.
In the following video, the NXT robots collaborate to group around a leader robot:

More details can be found on the associated entry in the RobotC blog.

Building Instructions

Great ones in the and at
For those of you that have HiTechnic sensor there are a few models to build at
And look at for stuff for NXT 1.0 and 2.0
Another site but with a little more complicated stuff, might need
some extra pieces
Also another random site: