

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Lego Liquid Dispenser

I was surfing on Youtube looking at some NXT vids and I stumbled upon this NXT liquid dispenser.

Here is a description on how it works:A Lego Mindstorms powered water dispenser. It uses two motors to directly drive he air compressor, and pumps air through the Lego pneumatic rubber tubing into an airtight water container, and water is pushed out from this container through another rubber tubing and exits through a nozzle in the front. The motors are driven whenever the touch sensor is pressed. Features include a push lever, a water container bay, rubber band powered container retainers, a glass pad and more. The NXT run LeJOS and the source code for this program and other programs using different sensors as well as pics can be found here:
And a 2.0 version
This one is a little more simple but it shows a different way of using the NXT motor


3D Printer

Arthur Sacek from Brazil's ZOOM Education for Life, made this very well built and surprisingly precise 3D printing machine is really amazing (and fun to watch)! 
Later he said in a comment reply that he will later show how it works.
He says,  "Soon I will post a "How it works"....and you will see that it is not so hard as you think. I am also a beginner in programming.

Cake cutting robot

Great looking robot that will cut a cake into as many pieces as you want.  A tin lid acts as the cutter, and some basic math is used to calculate the angle of each piece.

As others have commented, all it needs now is a way to blow out the candles :)

Building Instructions

Great ones in the and at
For those of you that have HiTechnic sensor there are a few models to build at
And look at for stuff for NXT 1.0 and 2.0
Another site but with a little more complicated stuff, might need
some extra pieces
Also another random site: