

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Automatic Bridge-Layer

This is a pretty cool video on a NXT automatic-bridge layer.
It places the birdge down, drives over it the picks it up again.
In their description it says how they went about to make it.

Lego Anniversary Video

This is a Video that show the history of Lego for their 80th Anniversary

Friday, June 29, 2012

Grab and Lift

This person has created a grab and lift mechanism with one motor.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Turing Machine

In honor of Alan Turing's 100th Birthday, two scientists at the Dutch CWI have build a turing machine with NXT.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Grey November

Captain Greybeard was challenged to make a Lego Mindstorms Submarine.First he made a normal hull out of technic beams and placed the NXT sealed in a plastic bag.
With the bag he could watch the display and control the buttons needed... and the cables for the motors and sensorsare sealed at the seam of the bag to sael it tight
it is also possible to charge the NXT after sealing
Here is the result of his work..
Captain says.."I built two submarine, Grey November Mark I and Grey November Mark II ...
The first sub is equipped with a compas sensor and a color sensor (for signaling it's state to the outside) and the second one with a compas sensor and an IRseeker.
When my subs returned from Portugal I want to try that the second sub will follow the first automatically. For that purpose I will attach an IR ball to the first submarines!"


David Gilday, the creator of the Cubestormer has created a new cube solver, the Microcuber.
It is arguably the world's first robot that can solve the Microbic, a miniscule version of the Rubik's Cube.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Lotto NXT

A new bonus model was released!
Now you can play bingo without anyone cheating, only Lottobot knows the number.
You can find building instructions and NXT-G programming here

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Mindy Mindstorms

Mindy Mindstorms is a NXTfied Lego creation.
More info can be found here


Monopoly Assistant

Anika Vuurzoon has made a Monopoly assistant.
It can store the money and be a die as well.
More info on her site which also has the programming and building here.
The program can be also found here

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Bottle Opener

Bottle Opener


Festo Collection

Here is a collection of robots made by the German Company Festo.
Not NXT, but it may inspire some of you to make something similar.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Voice Control Wheelchair

I have found a voice controlled wheelchair, which uses the sound sensor for the first NXT set and some RobotC programming. It is able to tell the difference between a "dit" and a "dah" kind of like the morse code.
Then is sends a signal with a NXTBee sensor to the wheelchair top make it move around.
Here is a video explaining the wheelchair.

Robot Virtual Word

Robot virtual words, is an simulated environment in which you can program your NXT.
One of the great things about RVW, is that you can write programs in RobotC, test them out on a virtual robot in the simulator first before testing on a real robot.  A very handy tool to have especially if you're using it in a classroom where you only have a limited number of robots to go around.

The new update includes handy features such as;

  • Measuring tables - virtual table tops where you can calculate how far a robot travels based on wheel circumference
  • Light Sensor testing tables - As your robot drives across these virtual tables, the sensor will give actual readings depending on the colour 
  • New Navigation challenges - Billiards and Mini-Golf

You can get a 60 day trial download from here if you want to check it out -

Single licence is $49 for a year, with costs coming down if you getting enough licences for a classrom.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Bonus Models

Here are the (so far) 11 bonus models to build for the NXT 2.0
It's a good way to get ideas, and start off if you just bought the set.
I'll have to say this is one of the more complicated builds and programs.
This one is easier than others, and also very entertaining for younger children.
Also quite simple, but very fun and children may also like this one
More complicated build and program.
#5Segway with rider
Easier build, programs pretty simple too.
Children like this one, a little harder than Manty and Llama, but easy programming.
Another kid-friendly build, simple and fun
More serious build, but interesting and pretty simple
Great build for those who want thier rubix cubes solved. Complicated build and program
Simple and fun build.
#11Color programmable car
Easy build, more complicated programming.
Here are some videos done on the NXT
Not all of these videos where done by the maker of the Models

1# M.O.R.P.H

2# Llama

3# Manty

4# Stonehenge

5# Segway with Rider

6# NXTitzki

8# Tripod

9# MindCuber

10# Pinball

Saturday, April 7, 2012

MindCuber solves VoidCube

"MindCuber can be seen here solving the Void Cube. It is essentially
a Rubik's Cube with holes through the center of each face, which makes
it slightly more complex to solve. The description on the video itself
says a little more

Monday, March 19, 2012

Cambridge NXT Robots

Scientists at Cambridge University used LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT robots to automate the creation of artificial bone-like structures. Understandably, they report that NXT robots proved to be much easier to set up and vastly more economical than more high-tech solutions. Other Science Research entities have reported the same bonus this toolkit has provided over the years and its not over by a long-shot. Cambridge's NXT research aid is featured in this video for the 2012 Google Science Fair.

NXT Beer Machine

This machine servers 2 kinds of Dutch Beers, cools them down to perfect drinking temperature and open it.

It should also work with soft drinks too

Saturday, March 10, 2012

New Compass Sensor from Dexter Industries

Dexter Industries have come out with another sensor for the NXT, this time a compass.
A compass is an excellent way of figuring out which way your robot is pointing.  Especially handy for things like navigating around or playing a game of robot soccer!

This particular one can measure along 3 axis (so I guess that means heading as well as tilt?)

As with all compass sensors, you need to be very careful around other magnetic fields (power cables, motors etc) but according to the manual, you can do some calibration to reduce any offset from true north.

At $29, it's one of the cheaper sensors available for the NXT :)

More details including code samples for NXT-G, RobotC and Labview can be found here. 

Awesome Robot hand

Find out more at

Smallest NXT Biped in the world?

Micheal has made a entry for the Snapshots contest at NXTLog and won
It is called my very first biped

Lego ISS in Space

Furukawa Satoshi, an astronaut from Japan on board of the ISS (International Space Station) built a Lego ISS there


I have found some more videos on Legoworld

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Here is a non-NXT video on a 4 year project by multiple universities in Europe.
It might give you some ideas though swarm NXT is quite a minor role

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Huge Pneumatic Robot Arm

This Pneumatic Robot arm manages to lift a filled glass cup to a different location by following a black line.
It is composed of:
7 Motors (NXT and Power Functions)
 Pneumatic Gripper 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

NXT biped from China

Here's a good biped robot built by the Team of the Chinese blog

NXT High Noon Duel

A simple and fun game. You can play to test your reflexes or play against a friend.

Cool robots from Festo HQ

These are robots made by the German Company Festo
And yes, they are real

Not NXT but it may give inspiration to build something

Saturday, January 7, 2012

NXT bowling

Here are two examples of bowling alleys with NXT
I like the way they set up the pins after being knocked down


Building Instructions

Great ones in the and at
For those of you that have HiTechnic sensor there are a few models to build at
And look at for stuff for NXT 1.0 and 2.0
Another site but with a little more complicated stuff, might need
some extra pieces
Also another random site: